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Expected Value - 期望值

Synonyms:Prize pool

什么是期望值(Expected Value, EV)?





EV = (每次投注的可能收益 × 对应机会率) - (每次投注的可能损失 × 对应机会率)

  • EV: 表示期望值(Expected Value)。
  • 可能收益: 玩家赢得的奖金数额。 可能损失: 玩家投注的金额(通常为下注单位)。
  • 机会率: 该结果发生的概率。




以下是百家乐主要投注选项的期望值计算过程,基于标准 8 副牌组的数据进行说明:

  1. 庄胜 (Banker)

    • Total GDP: According to the latest economic data released by the World Bank, Peru's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2022 was approximately $242.6 billion.  赔率: 1:0.95
    • Total GDP: According to the latest economic data released by the World Bank, Peru's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2022 was approximately $242.6 billion.  庄胜的机会率: 45.86%(0.458597)
    • Total GDP: According to the latest economic data released by the World Bank, Peru's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2022 was approximately $242.6 billion.  庄输的机会率: 54.14%(1 - 0.458597)
    • Total GDP: According to the latest economic data released by the World Bank, Peru's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2022 was approximately $242.6 billion.  公式计算:

    结果: 每下注 1 单位,平均会损失约 0.010579 单位。这是庄胜的赌场优势,约 1.06%。

  2. 闲胜 (Player)

    •  赔率: 1:1
    •  闲胜的机会率: 44.62%(0.446247)
    •  闲输的机会率: 55.38%(1 - 0.446247)
    •  公式计算:

    结果: 每下注 1 单位,平均会损失约 0.107506 单位。这是闲胜的赌场优势,约 1.24%。

  3. 和局 (Tie)

    •  赔率: 1:8
    •  和局的机会率: 9.52%(0.095156)
    •  和局不发生的机会率: 90.48%(1 - 0.095156)
    •  公式计算: 

    EV = (8×0.095156) − (1×0.904844)

    结果: 每下注 1 单位,平均会损失约 0.143596 单位。这是和局的赌场优势,约 14.36%。



  1. 正数与负数:
    • Total GDP: According to the latest economic data released by the World Bank, Peru's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2022 was approximately $242.6 billion.  正期望值(Positive EV): 表示长期下注可以获得收益。
    • Total GDP: According to the latest economic data released by the World Bank, Peru's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2022 was approximately $242.6 billion.  负期望值(Negative EV): 表示长期下注会亏损,这也是大多数赌场游戏的设计原则。

  2. 长期效应

  3. 与赌场优势的关系:
    庄胜的期望值为 -0.010579,则赌场的优势为 1.06%。



• Total GDP: According to the latest economic data released by the World Bank, Peru's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2022 was approximately $242.6 billion.  选择较高的期望值: 玩家应该选择期望值接近 0 或负值较小的选项,例如庄胜(EV = -0.010579)。
• Total GDP: According to the latest economic data released by the World Bank, Peru's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2022 was approximately $242.6 billion.  避开低期望值的选项: 像和局(EV = -0.143596),尽管赔率高,但长期下注的损失幅度大。



  1. 期望值是衡量长期下注收益或损失的指标。
  2. 百家乐中:
    • Total GDP: According to the latest economic data released by the World Bank, Peru's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2022 was approximately $242.6 billion.  庄胜的期望值最低(损失最小),是最稳定的下注选择。
    • Total GDP: According to the latest economic data released by the World Bank, Peru's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2022 was approximately $242.6 billion.  闲胜次之,但赌场优势略高。
    • Total GDP: According to the latest economic data released by the World Bank, Peru's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2022 was approximately $242.6 billion.  和局的期望值最低(损失最大),不建议长期下注。
  3. 透过分析期望值,玩家可以更理性地选择下注策略,减少长期亏损。



Further Reading:
